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Never in my life I would image getting myself involve in health & beauty

My passion is cooking and creative stuff (baking,decorating,designing)

Tapi kenapa I get myself involve in this...

Sebab dah mula sedar awal tahun hari tu that I need to take supplement for myself...

I'm in my 30s now...Since keja sendiri kat rumah,I need extra energy...

Sebab nak tengok anak2,do house chores,frozen kuih lagi,masak in big scale kalau ada catering...Walaupon catering tu biasanya kami amik less than 500pax..due to space n manpower..

Catering tu is just me & hubby...Hubby also have his own thing...buat tinted rumah etc...

So,I cannot harapkan tenaga yang ada sekarang je...I need extra..

Lepas tu,berat badan pulak mendadak naik...lagi tambah stress..

So, ada rezeki dapat try works slowly..maybe sebab tak pernah amik supplement..and everyone's expectation is..kalau amik supplement,nak kesan yang cepat...lumrah la tu...

Dah try Shaklee..tengok my friend Rai instead of using Shaklee for herself,she also become distributor...

Hmmm I was thinking,macam best..sebab dapat beli supplement and tau supplement apa yang sesuai utk diri sendiri

Risik-risik Rai about it...dia bagi pulak benefits Shaklee...dah...tambah lagi satu punca yg menarik minat untuk join

Tapi...cakap kat Rai..I know nothing about marketing,tulis karangan marketing panjang2 etc..Rai cakap,no worries sebab she'll train do ads,about products,branding yourself,close deal etc..

I even  said to my other tengok Rai pandai karang ayat panjang2...rajin dia buat ads panjang2..banyak idea dia...lgpon dia blogging... took me one week to think it through..
👉 modal rendah..
👉 No RISK..
👉 tak payah susah pegi post barang 
👉 ada sales ada bonus
👉 benefit menarik

Masa tu I went for short holiday in Cameron with the kids..Seri pulak happy sangat dapat p jalan2 walaupon untuk 2 hari..

Non stop mintak nak g holiday lagi..masa tu dh terdetik...kalau aku join Shaklee n buat betul2...bole dapat bonus macam Rai n the rest..bole bawak anak2 jalan jauh sikit...

So balik dr Cameron,I told Rai..OK,I'm in...

Mula la perjalanan as Shaklee Independent Distributor...

Rasa susah masa 1st week tu nak cope dengan all the ads that you need to do sebab tak biasa..

It took me half n hour to create one ads...dengan anak2 nak itu chores...

Makin hari makin ok..but sometimes I do get stuck..tak tau nk buat ads apa...

I haven't got the bonus that I targeted but I'm running towards that...

And I want to keep having the good supplement for family..

I want to help people sebab bila tau benefit each produck Shaklee and the effect most of the Shaklee user dapat..rasa best sangat....

So..whenever you need any supplement for yourself,your parents or your families...Bole contact me...


Your trusted health & beauty consultant


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